WMA specializes in behavioral health billing with over 15 years of experience serving Arizona behavioral health providers


WMA provides comprehensive quality assurance services designed to ensure that partner agencies can pass data validation audits. These services can include screening progress/case notes for data validation standards, monitoring documentation for potential issues, providing technical assistance, and/or verifying that documentation is timely and accurate. Screening can also be tailored to include company culture, family inclusion, language and other aspects of clinical documentation.  

Walker, Miller & Associates LLC

Behavioral Health Billing, Quality & Consulting Services


WMA provides training and consulting services designed to enhance partner agencies billing, administrative, quality assurance, or other key business process areas as well as to assist partner agencies with meeting their internal goals. These services can include onsite training related to behavioral health and behavioral health billing, personal technical assistance, consulting and targeted leadership training. Consulting can also include small business set up, process improvement, and other aspects of business efficiency and effectiveness. 


WMA provides comprehensive billing services designed to help maximize our partner agencies paid claims. We help ensure timely and accurate submission of claims and consistently achieve high collection rates. We have relationships with all state-funded payers and have over 15 years of experience with AHCCCS related billing. Our services include submission, remittance processing, denial work, reporting and we also partner with an Electronic Health Record for a one-stop documentation and billing solution.  (Visit www.psnet.tech for more details)

Arizona's Behavioral Health Billing Agency

Providing Peace of Mind Through World-Class Business Services